Bent out of shape? Peyronie’s disease is brought about by scarring modules of scar tissue that foster under the skin of the penis. During erections, these scars might make the penis twist toward any path. The scars can at times be excruciating and can frequently be felt through the skin. Medical experts estimate that about […]
World Thalassaemia Day 2023: May 8 marks World Thalassaemia Day, which is a special day dedicated to raising awareness about a genetic disorder called Thalassaemia. But first, we should illuminate what precisely thalassemia is. Thalassemia-an acquired blood problem that happens when the body doesn’t make enough of haemoglobin protein. Without any haemoglobin, the body’s red […]
“Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver.” – William James The liver is an organ about the size of a football that sits simply under your rib, confined to the right half of your mid-region. It is an uncelebrated yet truly great individual. Consistently it strives to clear the side-effects and poisons […]
Colon disease is created from polyps (developments) in your colon’s inward covering. Medical services suppliers have screening tests and therapies that identify and eliminate precancerous polyps. If untreated, colon malignant growth might spread to different regions of your body. Because of these tests, early therapy, and new sorts of therapy, less individuals are biting the […]
Every year, on the last day of February, the world comes together to observe Rare Disease Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about rare diseases and the challenges faced by those living with them. An opportunity to unite in solidarity with the millions of people around the world who are affected by rare diseases. […]
Thalassemia has NO CURE. Shocking, isn’t it? This is just one of many myths surrounding the blood disorder that this blog will bust today. But first, let’s throw some light on what exactly thalassemia is. Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce haemoglobin and healthy red blood cells. It […]
10 – 12 January 2023 Dubai World Trade Centre Visit us at Stand No: 8E10 A Gateway to the Pharmaceutical Industry DUPHAT is committed to providing a complete solution to the pharma industry. This unique event brings the entire value chain of the pharma industry from the suppliers of raw materials to the manufacturers of […]
Cancer is the most deadly disease and can occur anywhere in the body and spread further without showing any symptoms. In 2020, there were about an estimated 18.1 million cancer cases globally. As per Globocan 2020 data, there were about 4807 new cancer cases with 1896 casualties in the UAE alone. The fight against cancer […]
“Enjoy every day without worrying about the next.” — Diego Zamora, pancreatic cancer survivor World Pancreatic Cancer Day is observed annually on the third Thursday of November — a day to remember those who lost their lives due to this deadly disease and encourage those fighting this lone battle. Many families have seen their loved […]
Pharmasolutions will launch Nefalgic as an analgesic to manage acute and post-operative pain.